GFNY Kids Cozumel

GFNY KIDS Cozumel is the chance for children ages 13 and under to be able to experience true GFNY style racing with the same rules and format as all GFNY races. GFNY Kids Cozumel will take place on November 15 at 8 a.m. All racers will be chip timed from start to finish with the top 3 winners celebrating on the podium for all their family and friends to see.

Register for GFNY Kids

Each Registration Includes

  • GFNY Kids t-shirt
  • Bike number and bib number
  • Start-to-finish chip timing
  • Finisher medal
  • Post-race snack
  • Mechanical service
  • Heats divided by age
  • Podium ceremony for children 8yo and over

Schedule of Events

Packet pickup: November 14, 11am – 6pm @Cozumel Convention Center
GFNY Kids riders can pick up their race packets on Friday November 14 from 11:00 am - 6:00 pm.
Race day: Saturday, November 15, 8:00am
All riders need to be at the starting area half hour before the race begins,  start time is 8am so everyone needs to be ready at 7:30am.

Permitted Bikes

Age groups 6 and under may use all types of bikes including striders and bikes with training wheels. Age groups 7 and over can use road, mountain, or any bike with two brakes.



Age groups     Distances    
3-4 years 270m
5-6 years 540m
7-8 years 1.7 km
9-10 years 3.5 km
11-12 years 5 km
13 years 5 km


1. GFNY KIDS Cozumel (“GFNY”) is a bike ride where underage riders are individually timed.


2.1. The entry to GFNY is open to riders aged 3 to 13. GFNY has the sole discretion over entry numbers and cut off dates.

2.2. Each rider’s parent has to ensure that his/her health condition is sufficient for the event.

2.3. Each rider’s parent is responsible for having sufficient insurance coverage. GFNY may offer additional insurance at its sole discretion.

2.4. Entries are not refundable, transferrable or deferrable. No rider shall be entitled to an entry fee refund in case of disqualification.

2.5. GFNY reserves the right, in its sole and complete discretion, to deny entry, to revoke the entry application of any applicant at any time, and/or to disqualify any individual from the Event.


3.1. Bike: any technically serviceable roadworthy bicycle is permitted. Strider bikes are only permitted in the age groups up to 6 years old. The following are not permitted: triathlon bikes, time trial bikes, triathlon/aero bars, tandems, e-bikes, prone bicycles, recumbent bikes and bicycles with chair seating (except for para-athletes), penny farthings or mono cycles. Unsafe bikes can be banned at any time during the event.

3.2. Helmets must be worn by all riders at all times and have to be securely fastened with a chinstrap at all times while riding.

3.3. T-shirt: the official event t-shirt of the respective year must be worn at all times. No exceptions. Wearing a different jersey will lead to a time penalty or disqualification.

3.4. Bike number: the number plate with the timing chip attached on the back must be attached to the handlebar and be clearly visible from the front at all times. Any alteration of the number will lead to a time penalty or disqualification or the timing chips may not work properly.

3.5. T-shirt number: the rider bib number must be worn on the rider’s back, attached by safety pins. Any wrong positioning or alteration of the number can lead to a time penalty or disqualification.

3.6. The use of headphones will lead to immediate disqualification.


4.1. Riders without their GFNY t-shirt, bike number, t-shirt bib number, and helmet at the checkpoint will be refused access to the start area.

4.2. The starting corrals close 15 minutes prior to heat start time.

4.3. The starts are by category. Lining up is on a first come, first serve basis. Self-seeding within the start corral by experience and speed is encouraged.


5.1. All riders are timed by chip timing from start to finish. Rankings are by category.

For children 7 years old and younger, GFNY Kids is a timed, but non-competitive event.

5.2. Categories/waves: 

Category is determined by rider’s age on race day.

(1) 3-4 y/o

(2) 5-6 y/o

(3) 7-8 y/o

(4) 9-10 y/o

(5) 11-12 y/o

(6) 13 y/o

5.3. Prizes might be awarded at the discretion of the organizer for ages 8 and above.

5.4. All protests concerning the order of finish shall be examined and resolved by the chief judge, whose decision is final and without appeal. It is the rider’s responsibility to familiarize himself/herself with the rules of the event and the course before the start. Taking alternate routes or cutting the course short leads to disqualification from the current competition.


6.1. No rider may be disrespectful toward race directors, officials, staff, riders, volunteers or spectators.

6.2. No rider may use foul or abusive language during GFNY.

6.3. No rider may assault (an unlawful attempt, coupled with the present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another) or do battery (any willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another) to anyone connected with GFNY (including but not limited to riders, spectators, public officials, volunteers, staff, etc.).


7.1. Cyclists have to obey all laws of the road including traffic lights and stop signs unless overwritten by police.

7.2. No rider may make an abrupt motion so as to interfere with the forward progress of another rider, either intentionally or by accident.

7.3. Any rider who appears to present a danger to the other riders may be disqualified by GFNY either before, during, or after the event.

7.4. Pushing or pulling or any other physical assistance among riders is prohibited in all categories.

7.5. No outside assistance is allowed. Parents are allowed to walk aside the riders in the 2-3 y/o category.


All those who ride and compete under these rules do so at their own risk. No liability shall attach to GFNY or any of its officials with respect to any loss or injury sustained or caused by anyone competing or riding in GFNY.


Rules and event details such as course, date, locations etc. can be altered if deemed necessary at sole discretion of GFNY.


